The Reclamation Division's primary responsibility is the approval (or denial) of mined land reclamation plans submitted by all metalliferous & aggregate mining units and exploration operations with surface disturbances greater than five acres on private lands within the State of Arizona.
The Division reviews and analyzes reclamation plans (including reclamation cost estimates), and makes recommendations to the State Mine Inspector for approval or denial of proposed plans. Other program responsibilities include the coordinated review and approval of reclamation plans with other state and federal land management agencies. This includes any needed on-site visits and reclamation inspections to determine compliance with the Mined Land Reclamation Act and Rules.
It is also the responsibility of the Division to receive a reclamation financial assurance mechanism to guarantee the reclamation costs are covered per the plan, and all established rules and statutes per the Act.
Title | Meeting Date | Agenda | Documents |
Reclamation Public Meetings - JDI Enterprises, LLC | to | Agenda | Document |
Reclamation Public Meetings - Premier Materials Group | to | Agenda | Document |
Arizona Revised Statutes
Chapter 5, Articles 1-6, Mined Land Reclamation
Chapter 6, Articles 1 -6, Aggregate Mined Land Reclamation
Title 27- Minerals, Oil and Gas
Arizona Administrative Code
Ch. 2. State Mine Inspector - Mined Land Reclamation
Ch. 3 State Mine Inspector - Aggregate Mined Land Reclamation